Associate Professor
School of Computer Science & Engineering

Sun Yat-sen University

Guangzhou, China 510006

Email: zhangxw79 AT

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> About

Hi there! I'm Xianwei, now an Associate Professor (2020 - ) in School of Computer Science & Engineering and National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou/NSCC-GZ at Sun Yat-sen University, researching on computer systems and architecture towards high-performance and intelligent computing.

During 2017-2020, I worked in AMD Inc. (Research & RTG) on architecture and software designs for compute-optimized GPUs. Previously, I completed my Ph.D. (2017) in the Computer Science Department at University of Pittsburgh, and obtained Bachelor's (2011) degree on Software Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University. More info can be found in LinkedIn.

02/2025: [Teach] YatCC-AI with Web and DeepSeek was released. Try now!
02/2025: [Paper] Two papers got accepted in DAC'2025. Congrats to Xuanteng and Kan!
01/2025: [Paper] One paper got accepted in WWW'2025. Congrats to Yuhao!
09/2024: [Talk] One invited talk was given in Huawei Connect 2024!
09/2024: [People] Six new ARCSYSUers joined, welcome on board!
08/2024: [Fund] One NSFC research grant was awarded!
07/2024: [Fund] Two CCF research funds were awarded!
07/2024: [Teach] One CCEC teaching prize was received. Check out Yat Compiler!

> Research

Topics: GPU, Compiling, Memory System, HPC, Intelligent Computing, Simulation/Modeling/Profiling
Grants: National Key R&D Program, NSFC Program, CCF-Tencent®/Huawei®/Phytium® Funds

My research interests lie broadly in hardware and software co-designs to improve the performance, efficiency, scalability and usability of computing systems. A particular emphasis is on GPU/heterogeneous computing and memory system design through architecture/compiler/runtime/container around the critical aspects of latency, bandwidth and portability, etc.

I currently lead the arcSYSu (ARChitecture and SYStem Upscaling @ SYSU) research team, which is proudly part of the NSCC-GZ Interdisciplinary Research Center, led by Prof. Yutong Lu and Prof. Nong Xiao. In arcSYSu, I fortunately work with a group of wonderful graduate and undergraduate researchers/interns on computing systems.

[⭐️ Hiring!] Welcome to join us! [详见 FAQs]

[people @ arcSYSu, refining computing system uses] (#: co-advise)

2024 Hongxin Xu Tengyang Zheng# Gaojin Sun Lu Wu
Jingyi He Bingjie Liu
2023 Mengyue Xi Han Huang# Wenyuan Liang Hengzhong Liang
Wenxuan Pan Aoyuan Sun Zhongchun Zheng
2022/21 Xuanteng Huang[phd]# Zejia Lin[phd] Tianyu Guo[phd] Yuhao Gu[phd]#
Tianyi Zhang Zhaowen Shan Chun-yu Chen Kan Wu[phd]#
Ug/RA Guanyi Chen Xianjie Chen Junru Chen Yunhao Han
Xin Huang Yibin Luo Zheng Zhou Haoquan Chen
Yipeng Ouyang
Alum. Tianao Ge (ms22, phd@Hkust-gz) Zewei Mo (ms22, Intel->phd@upitt)
Yue Weng (ms23, Nvidia)# Yinchuan Guo (ms24, Huawei)
Lianghong Huang (ms24, MetaX)

> Publications

[ see full publication list ] [ , , ]
§ [DAC'25]. X. Huang, J. Du, N. Xiao and X. Zhang, PaSK: Cold Start Mitigation for Inference with Proactive and Selective Kernel Loading on GPUs
§ [DAC'25]. K. Wu, Z. Lin, M. Xi, Z.. Zheng, W. Pan, X. Zhang and Y. Lu, GoPTX: Fine-grained GPU Kernel Fusion by PTX-level Instruction Flow Weaving
§ [WWW'25]. Y. Gu, C. Chen, J. Du, X. Zhang and X. Zhang, ORFA: Exploring WebAssembly as a Turing Complete Query Language for Web APIs
§ [DAC'24]. T. Guo, X. Huang, K. Wu, X. Zhang and N. Xiao, SMILE: LLC-based Shared Memory Expansion to Improve GPU Thread Level Parallelism
§ [LCTES'24]. Z. Lin, A. Sun, X. Zhang and Y. Lu, MixPert: Optimizing Mixed-precision Floating-point Emulation on GPU Integer Tensor Cores
§ [ICCD'23]. Z. Lin, Z. Mo, X. Huang, X. Zhang and Y. Lu, KeSCo: Compiler-based Kernel Scheduling for Multi-task GPU Applications
§ [LCTES'22]. T. Ge, Z. Mo, K. Wu, X. Zhang and Y. Lu, RollBin: Reducing Code-size via Loop Rerolling at Binary Level

> Teaching

Yat Compilation Course
- Undergraduate
§ DCS290/292 - Compilation Principle & Construction, [25s, 24s, 23s, 22s, 21s] ( Yat-Compiler).
§ DCS3013 - Computer Architecture, [22f].
- Graduate
§ DCS5637/6207 - Advanced Computer Architecture, [24f, 23f, 22f, 21f].

> Miscellaneous

- Honors/Awards
§ [2024] CCF-CCEC Teaching Prize
§ [2022] CAST Sci&Tech Young Talent Program
§ [2019] AMD® Spotlight Award
§ [2016] Andrew Mellon Fellowship
§ [2013] Best Paper Award of ISLPED
- Services
§ [TPC] CCGrid'2025, IJCNN'2025, NAS'2024, NPC'2024, HiPC'2024/2023/2022, ICPADS'2022
§ [ERC] MICRO (IEEE/ACM Int'l Sym. on Microarchitecture) - 2020
§ [TPC] ICCD (IEEE Int’l Conf. on Computer Design) - 2020, 2019, 2018